How to change the keyboard shortcut for IntelliSense in VS Code

⋅ 1 min read ⋅ VS Code Workflow

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By default the shortcut to trigger intellisense on VS Code (for mac) is ⌃ – Control + Space. Too bad I already use that as a Spotlight Search.

I couldn't initiate IntelliSense for a very long time because I couldn't (too lazy) find any Keyboard shortcuts for "IntelliSense". Today, I will show you how to change key bindings for IntelliSense.

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Key bindings for IntelliSense

To change keyboard shortcuts in VS Code, Go to Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts

You will see all commands and their key binding.

List of commands and their key binding.
List of commands and their key binding.

There are many commands relating to IntelliSense, but the one that triggers IntelliSense is named "Trigger Suggest". And that is what you are looking for.

IntelligSense related commands usually contain the word
IntelligSense related commands usually contain the word "suggest".

To change key binding, double click on the current key binding. Then you will see a popup asking for a new key binding. Enter a combination of the keys you want, then press "Enter".

Double click to change the key binding.
Double click to change the key binding.

That's all you need to do. Happy Coding!

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