How to add a TextField to Alert in SwiftUI

⋅ 2 min read ⋅ SwiftUI Alert WWDC22

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In iOS 15 and prior, having TextField in an alert isn't supported with an alert modifier. In iOS 16, we can do this by just adding a TextField as an alert action.

Text field in an alert.
Text field in an alert.

Alert in iOS 15

alert modifier in SwiftUI accept a ViewBuilder for both message and its actions.

But if you try to use anything other than Text for the message and Button for the actions, SwiftUI will simply ignore that views.

struct ContentView: View {
@State private var presentAlert = false
var body: some View {
Button("Show Alert") {
presentAlert = true
.alert("Title", isPresented: $presentAlert, actions: {
// Any view other than Button would be ignored
TextField("TextField", text: .constant("Value"))
}, message: {
// Any view other than Text would be ignored
TextField("TextField", text: .constant("Value"))

TextField gets ignored when used as action and message content in iOS 15.

TextField is ignored in the old alert API.
TextField is ignored in the old alert API.

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How to add a TextField to Alert in SwiftUI

In iOS 16, actions view builder allow two new view, TextField and SecureField.

We can have a text field in an alert by using TextField or SecureField as action content.

struct ContentView: View {
@State private var presentAlert = false
@State private var username: String = ""
@State private var password: String = ""

var body: some View {
Button("Show Alert") {
presentAlert = true
.alert("Login", isPresented: $presentAlert, actions: {
TextField("Username", text: $username)
SecureField("Password", text: $password)

Button("Login", action: {})
Button("Cancel", role: .cancel, action: {})
}, message: {
Text("Please enter your username and password.")
TextField and SecureField are supported in iOS 16.
TextField and SecureField are supported in iOS 16.

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