Conditional compilation for Attributes in Swift 5.8
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Why do we need Conditional compilation for attributes
As Swift evolved, it introduced many new attributes to the language, e.g., @preconcurrency
introduced in SE-0337.
However, adopting these new attributes means the source code won't compile with an older compiler that doesn't recognize the new attributes.
We can use conditional compilation to compile code based on the compiler version.
#if compiler(>=5.6)
protocol P: Sendable {
func f()
func g()
protocol P: Sendable {
func f()
func g()
There are two problems with this approach.
Code duplication since we have to repeat the code multiple times.
Checking for the compiler version is error-prone.
Unlike an availability condition, e.g.,if #available(iOS 15, *)
. Swift attributes don't tie to specific compiler versions.The availability condition works because all API properties and classes are marked with the version it supports via an
attribute.@available(iOS 16.0, macOS 13.0, tvOS 16.0, watchOS 9.0, *)
public func fontWeight(_ weight: Font.Weight?) -> some ViewBut the compiler version that Swift attribute was introduced *isn't documented anywhere.
To make the situation worse, the availability of some attributes can depend on platform and configuration flags: for example,
is only available when the Swift runtime has been compiled for interoperability with Objective-C.
To make the process of introducing new attributes less troublesome in the future, Swift 5.8 introduced Conditional compilation for attributes.
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Conditional compilation for attributes
Swift 5.8 add a conditional directive hasAttribute(AttributeName)
that evaluates true when the compiler has support for the attribute with the specified name, AttributeName
We can use it like another conditional directive.
#if compiler(>=5)
print("Compiled with the Swift 5 compiler or later")
#if swift(>=4.2)
print("Compiled in Swift 4.2 mode or later")
#if hasAttribute(preconcurrency)
As a result, we can make the code less repetitive and more concise.
#if hasAttribute(preconcurrency)
protocol P: Sendable {
func f()
func g()
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This change might not be beneficial for an API consumer because you control the code and compiler, so you can make sure it matches.
But this will greatly benefit the framework author because the source code can be used in many circumstances.
Read more article about Swift, Swift 5.8, or see all available topic
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