What is SwiftUI Form

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What is SwiftUI Form

Form is one of a container view in SwiftUI that is designed for grouping controls used for modifying data entry.

One example that fits this use case is a settings view.

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How to use SwiftUI Form

Form behaves similar to List view.

  • It applies platform-appropriate style to views and controls that sit inside a form.
  • You can group controls under Section, just like a list view.

You can construct a form like you create a List view. The only difference is you use a Form instead of a List view.

I will show you how to create a form from basic views and controls.

Form with TextField

We start by creating a simple form with one text field.

struct ContentView: View {
// 1
@AppStorage("deviceName") private var deviceName: String = ""

var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
// 2
Form {
// 3
TextField("Name", text: $deviceName)

1 Since Form is meant to manipulate a group of data entries. Most controls are probably backed by data. In this case, we use @AppStorage to make it persist across the app launch.
2 Form is a container view that wraps all of our controls.
3 We create a text field that binds to the deviceName variable.

SwiftUI Form with Text Field
SwiftUI Form with Text Field

Form with LabeledContent

Form also supports static content. In this case, I use LabeledContent to show the current iOS version.

struct ContentView: View {
@AppStorage("deviceName") private var deviceName: String = ""

var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
Form {
TextField("Name", text: $deviceName)
LabeledContent("iOS Version", value: "16.2")
Form with a static content.
Form with a static content.

Form with Toggle

You can keep adding controls to a form. I add a new Toggle that controls Wi-Fi here.

struct ContentView: View {
@AppStorage("deviceName") private var deviceName: String = ""
@AppStorage("wifi") private var isWifiEnabled: Bool = false

var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
Form {
TextField("Name", text: $deviceName)
LabeledContent("iOS Version", value: "16.2")
Toggle("Wi-Fi", isOn: $isWifiEnabled)
Toggle in Form.
Toggle in Form.

Add Section to a Form

If you have a lot of controls, you can use Section to group related items together.

In the following example, we create two groups.

  1. About
  2. Internet
struct ContentView: View {
@AppStorage("deviceName") private var deviceName: String = ""
@AppStorage("wifi") private var isWifiEnabled: Bool = false

var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
Form {
Section {
TextField("Name", text: $deviceName)
LabeledContent("iOS Version", value: "16.2")
} header: {

Section {
Toggle("Wi-Fi", isOn: $isWifiEnabled)
} header: {
Form with Section.
Form with Section.

Add Picker to a Form

Settings usually include an option for users to choose from.

So, enum and Picker are common choices. Form also supports a picker view.

I create a new enum for an option, AutoJoinHotspotOption.

enum AutoJoinHotspotOption: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable {
var id: Self {
return self

case never
case askToJoin
case automatic

Then, I present these options with a Picker view.

struct ContentView: View {
@AppStorage("deviceName") private var deviceName: String = ""
@AppStorage("wifi") private var isWifiEnabled: Bool = false
@AppStorage("autoJoin") private var autoJoinOption: AutoJoinHotspotOption = .never

var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
Form {
Section {
TextField("Name", text: $deviceName)
LabeledContent("iOS Version", value: "16.2")
} header: {

Section {
Toggle("Wi-Fi", isOn: $isWifiEnabled)
Picker("Auto-Join Hotspot", selection: $autoJoinOption) {
ForEach(AutoJoinHotspotOption.allCases) { option in

} header: {

A picker renders with a menu style in iOS 16.

Form with Picker.
Form with Picker.

Add Button to a Form

The last control that I will add to the form is a button.

We add a button to reset all content and settings and put it in the new section at the bottom of the form.

struct ContentView: View {
@AppStorage("deviceName") private var deviceName: String = ""
@AppStorage("wifi") private var isWifiEnabled: Bool = false
@AppStorage("autoJoin") private var autoJoinOption: AutoJoinHotspotOption = .never

var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
Form {
Section {
TextField("Name", text: $deviceName)
LabeledContent("iOS Version", value: "16.2")
} header: {

Section {
Toggle("Wi-Fi", isOn: $isWifiEnabled)
Picker("Auto-Join Hotspot", selection: $autoJoinOption) {
ForEach(AutoJoinHotspotOption.allCases) { option in

} header: {

Section {
Button("Reset All Content and Settings") {
// Reset logic
Button in a Form.
Button in a Form.

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What is the difference between Form and List

With the example you see so far, you might wonder what the difference is between List and Form.

It is a reasonable question since Form in iOS uses the same appearance and style as an inset grouped list. So, there is no difference there.

But as mentioned earlier, Form applies a platform-appropriate style to its child views. So, the similarity between Form and List isn't guaranteed.

You will see a difference when you use Form on a platform where settings use a different design language from a List.

Here is an example of Form in macOS.

Form in macOS.
Form in macOS.

Compare it to List here.

List in macOS.
List in macOS.

Read more article about SwiftUI, Form, or see all available topic

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