How to open URL in Safari in SwiftUI

⋅ 5 min read ⋅ SwiftUI WebView

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In SwiftUI, there are two ways to open a URL in Safari.

  1. Link view.
  2. openURL environment value.

We can use a Link view to open a URL in Safari.

Link view is similar to a button, but instead of providing an action, we provide a destination URL that we want to open.

The example below creates a link to my Twitter profile

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Link("Twitter", destination: URL(string: "")!)

The result of a Link view looks like a normal button, but it navigates you to the destination URL when tapped.

Link view.
Link view.

Just like other views, you can style link appearance in many ways.

  1. Modifiers, e.g., font, foregroundColor.
  2. Use custom view as a label.
  3. Or put it in other container views, e.g., List, Form.

By default, a Link contains text in its label, so it can be customized using standard view modifiers for text.

Here is an example where we modify the font and its color.

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Link("Twitter", destination: URL(string: "")!)
Modify a link with text modifiers.
Modify a link with text modifiers.

The modifiers you can apply to a Link view depend on the link's label.

It seems like a Link view uses something similar to a button. So you might find some modifiers take no effect, e.g., .underline. (Underline is neither work on a button).

You can overcome this constraint by providing a custom view for a link's label.

You can provide a custom view for a link's label if you want more control over the appearance.

In this example, we user create a link with an image along side an underline text.

Link(destination: URL(string: "")!) {
Label("Twitter", systemImage: "link")
.underline(true, color: .pink)
Using a custom view as a Link label.
Using a custom view as a Link label.

Some container views can apply a unique style to their child views and controls.

Link view is also a control, so it gets the same treatment.

Here is an example of using Link inside a List view.

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List {
Link("Website", destination: URL(string: "")!)
Link("Twitter", destination: URL(string: "")!)

Link gets the same style as a list row when putting it inside a List view.

Using Link inside a List view.
Using Link inside a List view.

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Open URL with openURL environment value

Another way to open a URL is by using the openURL environment value.

To open a URL, you specify a destination URL into an openURL, which is OpenURLAction type.

Here is an example where I manually open a URL using openURL when the button is tapped.

struct ContentView: View {
// 1
@Environment(\.openURL) private var openURL

var body: some View {
Button("Open Website") {
// 2
openURL(URL(string: "")!)

1 We declare an openURL environment value.
2 Then, we can call this wherever we want to open a URL.

openURL environment value.
openURL environment value.

Check whether the URL can be open

URL that we can use in openURL isn't limited to website URLs. You can use this to open a custom URL scheme, e.g., open the Google map app (comgooglemaps://).

So, there is a chance that the provided URL isn't valid and the system can't open the specified URL, e.g., the Google Map app doesn't install or a wrong URL scheme.

If you want to know the result of the action, whether it was a success or not, you can specify a completion handler when calling openURL.

In the following example, we open a non-existent URL scheme, sarunw://invalid-url-scheme.

struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.openURL) private var openURL

var body: some View {
Button("Open Website") {
openURL(URL(string: "sarunw://invalid-url-scheme")!) { canOpen in
print("Can open \(canOpen)")

If you tap the button, you will see the "Can open false" printout in the debug console.

This indicates that the system can't handle the provided URL.

Can open false

Set Custom URL Handler

By default, the system provides a default open URL action (OpenURLAction) that depends on the passing URL.

It has the following behaviors:

  • Open the associated app for a custom URL scheme or Universal Link.
  • Open the user's default web browser for a normal URL.

We can opt out of the default behavior by providing a custom handler.

You can do that by setting a new OpenURLAction via environment(_:_:) modifier.

In this example, I am looking for a URL with a sarunw:// scheme and open instead.

struct ExampleApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.environment(\.openURL, OpenURLAction(handler: { url in
// 1
if url.scheme == "sarunw" {
return .systemAction(URL(string: "")!)
// 2
return .systemAction

1 If the open URL has a "sarunw" scheme, I return .systemAction(URL(string: "")!) which asks the system to open "" URL instead.
2 For other URLs, I rely on the default behavior by returning .systemAction.

With this new URL handler, the same code we used in the previous example is now working.

struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.openURL) private var openURL

var body: some View {
Button("Open Website") {
openURL(URL(string: "sarunw://invalid-url-scheme")!) { canOpen in
print("Can open \(canOpen)")

sarunw://invalid-url-scheme is now handled by our custom handle, which opens the URL instead when tapped.

And since the URL can now be opened, the openURL completion handler now returns true.

A custom URL handler.
A custom URL handler.

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