Create Button with Rounded Corner Border in SwiftUI

⋅ 4 min read ⋅ SwiftUI Button

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The default button style in iOS is borderless, which is just colorized text.

For some action, you might want to make a button stand out by adding a border to it.

The default button style in iOS.
The default button style in iOS.

There are many ways to create a button with a border in SwiftUI. In this article, I will show you two styles of bordered buttons.

  1. Border with fill color
  2. Border with transparent fill color

We will learn how to create a button in both styles.

Two styles of bordered buttons.
Two styles of bordered buttons.

Filled Bordered Button

There are two ways to create a rounded bordered button in SwiftUI based on the minimum iOS version you supported.

  1. Button Styles (iOS 15)
  2. Custom Button label

Button Styles

In iOS 15, we got two new button styles with a rounded bordered appearance, bordered and borderedProminent.

This is the easiest way to have a rounded corner bordered button style. You just specify either .bordered or .borderedProminent in a .buttonStyle modifier.

VStack {
Button("Bordered Button") {


Button("Bordered Prominent Button") {


Here is the result of both button styles.

bordered and borderedProminent button styles.
bordered and borderedProminent button styles.

You can also change the color with the tint modifier.

VStack {
Button("Bordered Button") {


Button("Bordered Prominent Button") {

Change the color with the tint modifier.
Change the color with the tint modifier.

You can adjust the corner radius of a button with .bordered or .borderedProminent styles using .buttonBorderShape.

VStack {
Button("Bordered Prominent Button") {


Button("Bordered Prominent Button") {

.buttonBorderShape(.roundedRectangle(radius: 8))

In this example, we use a capsule shape that produces the roundest radius possible and a roundedRectangle with a radius of 8.

Use the buttonBorderShape modifier to control the corner radius.
Use the buttonBorderShape modifier to control the corner radius.

Custom Button label

If you need to support a version earlier than iOS 15 or want greater control over how things look, you can create a custom style for your button.

In this example, I replicate bordered and bordered prominent styles with my own implementation.

VStack {            
Button {

} label: {
Text("Bordered Button")
// 1
// 2
cornerRadius: 20,
style: .continuous

Button {

} label: {
Text("Bordered Prominent Button")
cornerRadius: 20,
style: .continuous

1 We use the foregroundColor to set the text color.
2 We use the background modifier to set a background for a button. We use a rounded rectangle as a background to simulate a bordered button.

A replicate of bordered and bordered prominent button styles.
A replicate of bordered and bordered prominent button styles.

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Transparent Bordered Button

There is no built-in style for a rounded bordered button with a transparent fill color. You have to create this with a combination of modifiers.

We use the same technique as bordered with filled color, but instead of applying .fill to RoundedRectangle, we use .stroke instead.

Button {

} label: {
Text("Ghost Button")
cornerRadius: 20,
style: .continuous
.stroke(.pink, lineWidth: 2)

You can control the border color and thickness by specifying them in the .stroke modifier.

A bordered button with a transparent filled color.
A bordered button with a transparent filled color.

Create a Button Style

You can create a new button style from the previous example as follow.

struct GhostButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
cornerRadius: 20,
style: .continuous
.stroke(.tint, lineWidth: 2)

extension ButtonStyle where Self == GhostButtonStyle {
static var ghost: Self {
return .init()

And then use it like this.

VStack {
Button("Ghost Button") {


Button("Ghost Button") {


Button("Ghost Button") {

Create a button style for a transparent bordered button style.
Create a button style for a transparent bordered button style.

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