How to use Non Uppercase in SwiftUI List section header

⋅ 2 min read ⋅ SwiftUI List

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As we learn in SwiftUI List: Basic usage, SwiftUI List has many styles for you to choose from.

Most of those styles use uppercase text for the section header.

In this article, we will learn how to opt-out of this behavior.

Most SwiftUI List styles use uppercase text for the section header.
Most SwiftUI List styles use uppercase text for the section header.

Here is an example of the .insetGrouped list style.

NavigationView {
List {
Section {
Toggle("Wi-Fi", isOn: .constant(true))
} header: {

Section {
Text("Control Center")
Text("Display & Brightness")
} header: {

Section {
Text("App Store")
} footer: {
Text("Molestiae commodi sunt eaque libero aspernatur totam voluptatum fugit.")

As you can see, even if we specified non-uppercase text, Text("Network"), SwiftUI inset grouped list style automatically converts it to uppercase.

Inset grouped list style convert section header text to uppercase.
Inset grouped list style convert section header text to uppercase.

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How to opt-out of SwiftUI List section header text style

To opt-out of the default text style of the SwiftUI List view, we need to use textCase(_:) modifier.

The textCase modifier will transform the text contained in the modified view to match what you specified.

To opt-out from what SwiftUI List section header uppercase text style, we clear it out by setting Text.Case value to nil, .textCase(nil).

NavigationView {
List {
Section {
Toggle("Wi-Fi", isOn: .constant(true))
} header: {

Section {
Text("Control Center")
Text("Display & Brightness")
} header: {

Section {
Text("App Store")
} footer: {
Text("Molestiae commodi sunt eaque libero aspernatur totam voluptatum fugit.")

With this simple change, the section header will render the text as it is.

Apply .textCase(nil) to opt-out from default text behavior.
Apply .textCase(nil) to opt-out from default text behavior.

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