SwiftUI List Style examples

⋅ 3 min read ⋅ SwiftUI List

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In this article, I will show you all 6 list styles that you can use with SwiftUI List view in iOS.

SwiftUI List Styles

The SwiftUI List view has many styles to choose from. If we don't specify any list style, it will default to the .automatic list style.

The .automatic list style means we left the style choice in SwiftUI hand. SwiftUI will choose the one that appropriates for the context.

This might vary based on platforms, e.g., iPhone, iPad, Mac, or even the place where List view is used.

For iOS, the default list style (.automatic ) is .insetGrouped.

Inset Grouped  list style.
Inset Grouped list style.

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How to change SwiftUI List style

If you want to control your own style choice, you can customize your list style using .listStyle(_:) modifier.

We apply the .listStyle modifier to the list that you want to change the style. In this example, I set the list style to .insetGrouped.

List {
Text("Row 1")
Text("Row 2")

6 iOS ListStyles

SwiftUI supports many styles that vary based on the platforms.

In this article, we will only focus on iOS. We have six options.

  1. .automatic
  2. .insetGrouped
  3. .grouped
  4. .inset
  5. .plain
  6. .sidebar

We will use the same code for all styles. The only difference is the list style we specified in the .listStyle modifier.

NavigationStack {
List {
Section {
} header: {
Text("First Section Header")
} footer: {
Text("Eos est eos consequatur nemo autem in qui rerum cumque consequatur natus corrupti quaerat et libero tempora.")

Section {
} header: {
Text("Second Section Header")
} footer: {
Text("Tempora distinctio excepturi quasi distinctio est voluptates voluptate et dolor iste nisi voluptatem labore ipsum blanditiis sed sit suscipit est.")

Section {
} header: {
Text("Third Section Header")
} footer: {
Text("Ea consequatur velit sequi voluptatibus officia maiores ducimus consequatur rerum enim omnis totam et voluptates eius consectetur rerum dolorem quis omnis ut ut.")
.navigationTitle("List Style")
// This is the only difference.


As mentioned earlier, SwiftUI will use Inset Grouped style when setting automatic (.automatic) or DefaultListStyle on iOS.

List {
// ...
// Leave blank or .listStyle(.automatic) yield the same result in iOS.

Inset Grouped

Example of Inset Grouped .insetGrouped or InsetGroupedListStyle.

List {
// ...


Example of Grouped .grouped or GroupedListStyle.

List {
// ...


Example of Inset .inset or InsetListStyle.

List {
// ...


Example of Plain .plain or PlainListStyle.

List {
// ...

The sidebar style (.sidebar or SidebarListStyle) comes equipped with a special function. On macOS and iOS, the sidebar list style displays disclosure indicators in the section headers that allow the user to collapse and expand sections.

List {
// ...

Tap on disclosure indicators in the section headers will collapse and expand that section.

Tap on disclosure indicators in the section headers will collapse and expand that section.
Tap on disclosure indicators in the section headers will collapse and expand that section.

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Here are all six styles for your comparison.

All six list styles you can use in iOS.
All six list styles you can use in iOS.

Read more article about SwiftUI, List, or see all available topic

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