How to show badge on List Row in SwiftUI

⋅ 3 min read ⋅ SwiftUI List Badge iOS 15

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In iOS 15, we can add a badge to any List row with a badge(_:) modifier.

Badges in a List row appear on a trailing edge of a list row.

The following are examples of list row badges on the Reminders and Mail apps.

Example of badges in list rows.
Example of badges in list rows.

A badge conveys optional, supplementary information about a view.

In the above examples, badges represent an unread message and a number of to-do items.

How to add a badge to a List row

To add a badge to a list row, apply badge(_:) modifier to a list row view.

There are three ways to create a badge view.

  1. Create with an integer
  2. Create with a string
  3. Create with a text view

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Create a badge from an integer

The first variation of a badge(_:) accept an integer value.

In this example, we put a number of unread emails as a badge value.

List {
Text("All Inboxes")


The default style of a badge on a list row is a grayish text that sits on a trailing edge of a list row content.

Badges on a list row.
Badges on a list row.

To hide a badge that initializes with an integer, you set the value to zero to hide the badge.

List {
Text("All Inboxes")
// 1

1 Setting zero value, .badge(0), will hide the badge.

Setting zero value to .badge to hide the badge.
Setting zero value to .badge to hide the badge.

Create a badge from a string

Not all information can be represented as a number.

The badge(_:) modifier also support creating a badge from a string.

We can use a string to initialize a badge the same way we did with an integer. But instead of an integer, we populate it with a string.

List {
Text("Battery Health")
Text("Low Power Mode")
Using a string to populate a badge.
Using a string to populate a badge.

To hide a badge that initializes with a string, you set the value to nil to hide the badge.

struct ContentView: View {
@State var selectedColorIndex = 2

var body: some View {
List {
.badge(selectedColorIndex == 0 ? "Selected": nil)
.badge(selectedColorIndex == 1 ? "Selected": nil)
.badge(selectedColorIndex == 2 ? "Selected": nil)

In the above example, we present a badge with "Selected" text for a selected row and hide the rest by returning nil.

Badges won't show when a string value is a nil.
Badges won't show when a string value is a nil.

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Create a badge from a Text view

The List row badge might seem dull, but it doesn't need to be that way.

We can customize your badge with the final badge(_:) modifier variation, which accepts a Text view.

We can style an input text view the way you want. In this example, I tried foregroundColor, bold, italic, and string interpolation.

List {
// 1
Text("Preferred Language")
// 2
Text("\(Image(systemName: "swift"))")
// 3
Text("1 out of 10")

1 We use foregroundColor and bold to style the badge view.
2 We can show SF Symbols on a badge using string interpolation.
3 We use italic to style our last badge view.

Customize a badge with a Text view.
Customize a badge with a Text view.

We hide the badge the same way we did with a string. We set the value to nil to hide the badge.

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