How to run a Flutter app with arguments in VS Code with launch configuration

⋅ 3 min read ⋅ Flutter

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If you write a Flutter app in VS Code, you probably have Dart and Flutter extensions installed. It is equipped with a wide range of valuable tools for developing a Flutter app. Today, I will focus on one small component, launch configuration.

What is a launch configuration

To run or debug an app in VS Code, you either select Run and Debug button under the Debug and Run tab or press Run > Start Debugging Menu (F5), and VS Code will try to run your currently active file.

You can run any file directly from VS Code.
You can run any file directly from VS Code.

Different languages and frameworks have different conventions. For VS Code to be able to understand how to run an app, it reads an instruction from a launch.json file located in a .vscode folder in your project root folder.

If VS Code can't figure out how to run the file, it will ask you for a different file.

When VSCode doesn't know how to run a file, it will ask for other files.
When VSCode doesn't know how to run a file, it will ask for other files.

When you install Dart and Flutter VS Code extension, it comes with a default launch.json file. That's why you can run your Flutter app without launch.json after installing the extensions.

So, launch configuration[1] isn't a Dart extension feature or Flutter feature, but a configuration point for VS Code to extend its capability.

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How to create a launch.json

A launch configuration file is not required for the most common use cases for Dart/Flutter as long as you stick to some common conventions:

  • Dart CLI scripts should be in the bin or tool folder, with the main entry points being bin/main.dart
  • Flutter entry points should be at lib/main.dart
  • Tests should be in a folder named test and end with _test.dart
  • Flutter integration tests should be in a test_driver folder ending _test.dart

However, as your project gets more complicated, you might reach the point where you want to modify this launch configuration file.

To create a launch.json, go to Debug and Run tab and click Create a launch.json file link.

Creat a launch.json file.
Creat a launch.json file.

This will create a launch.json file under the .vscode folder at your project root folder.

Create a launch.json file under the .vscode folder.
Create a launch.json file under the .vscode folder.

The content can vary from version to version, but here is mine.

// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "flutter_application",
"request": "launch",
"type": "dart"
"name": "flutter_application (profile mode)",
"request": "launch",
"type": "dart",
"flutterMode": "profile"

The above launch.json file creates two configurations, one will launch your app in debug mode, and the other will run in profile mode.

What can be customize

You can modify each configuration by modifying its attributes. This can be vary based on Flutter and Flutter extension, so I think the best way to figure out available attributes and available options is to use IntelliSense suggestions (⌃ – Control + Space).

Using the IntelliSense suggestion when your cursor is on a new line would show you all available attributes with a description.

Using the IntelliSense suggestion when your cursor is on a new line.
Using the IntelliSense suggestion when your cursor is on a new line.

Using the IntelliSense suggestion when your cursor is located after any attributes will show all available options for that attribute.

Using the IntelliSense suggestion when your cursor is located after any attributes.
Using the IntelliSense suggestion when your cursor is located after any attributes.

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How to select which launch configuration to run

You can select which configuration to run by going to Debug and Run tab and clicking on the down arrow. This will show a list of all available configurations.

Click on a configuration name or down arrow.
Click on a configuration name or down arrow.

Then, you can select launch configuration from the popup menu.

You can select launch configuration from the popup menu.
You can select launch configuration from the popup menu.

Once selected, VS Code will use that configuration for the Run and Debug command.

  1. ↩︎

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