Tagged: Flutter

There are 17 items tagged #Flutter.
And there a lots of other tags to explore.

How to manage Safe Area insets in Flutter

Learn what Safe area insets are and how to utilize it.

How to initialize final variables in Dart

Learn four different ways to initialize final variables in Dart.

How to organize Flutter import directives in VSCode

Learn how to Remove unused imports and Sort import packages by their name.

How to initialize variables in constructor body in Dart

Initialize instance variable is not as straightforward as you think. Let's learn how to do it.

Dart initializing formal parameters

Dart has a special syntax for a constructor to initialize all instance variables. It is convenient but also confusing for a newcomer. Let's learn what it is and how to use it.

Dart Parameters

Learn three ways to declare parameters for a Dart function.

How to create observable variables from other observable variables in GetX

Learn how to make derived variables observable in GetX.

How to use async/await in Flutter

Many things can go wrong when you write an asynchronous function in Dart. Let's learn how to use Future, async, and await properly.

How to use Proxyman with Flutter

If you use Proxyman with a Flutter app, you might not see any traffic from your Flutter Project. Here is how to fix it.

How to add Lint rules in Flutter

As your team and project grow, you might need to enforce some coding rules to make your code go the same direction. Luckily, adding custom lint rules in Flutter is very easy. Let's learn how to do it.

How to run a Flutter app with arguments in VS Code with launch configuration

Learn what launch configuration is and how to use it.

How to disable a button in Flutter

In iOS, we can control a button enabled/disabled state by setting an isEnabled property. In Flutter, you won't find such attributes. Let's learn how to do it.

How to remove a DEBUG banner in Flutter App

When you run a Flutter app for the first time, you probably notice a debug banner in the upper right of the screen. Learn what it is and how to remove it.

Flutter: How much time do you save, and at what cost

The idea that you can use one codebase for multiple platforms and cut development time by half is tempting, but what do you trade for this time saved?

How to change status bar text color in Flutter

Learn different ways to change status bar text color in Flutter.

How to change a back button color in Flutter

Learn different ways to change the back button color in Flutter.

How to make AppBar/Navigation Bar transparent in Flutter

Learn how to make a transparent app bar in Flutter.

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