SwiftUI Plain Button Style cannot tap on an Empty space

⋅ 2 min read ⋅ SwiftUI Button

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The plain button style has behavior and appearance different from the other styles. Let's learn how this affects a tappable area.

A button default behavior

By default, a tap area of a SwiftUI button is everything inside a button label.

This includes a space, padding, an image, and text.

Here is an example where we use HStack as a button's label.

Button {
} label: {
HStack(spacing: 40) {
Image(systemName: "globe")
Text("Hello, World!")

We can tap anywhere within the HStack to trigger the button action.

Everything inside a button's label is considered a tappable area.
Everything inside a button's label is considered a tappable area.

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Problem using Plain button style

The problem arises when you apply a plain button style .buttonStyle(.plain).

PlainButtonStyle is a button style that doesn't decorate its content.

As a result, your button would be rendered with no tint color, just like plain text.

Here is an example of the default button style vs. the plain button style.

Plain button style vs. Default button style.
Plain button style vs. Default button style.

Apart from appearance, there is another significant behavior difference.

A tappable area of a plain button style doesn't include an empty space. Only the button's content, like text or image, can respond to user interaction.

So, tapping on an empty space in a plain button style won't trigger an action.

Tapping on an empty space in a plain button style won't trigger an action.
Tapping on an empty space in a plain button style won't trigger an action.

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How to make a Space in Plain Button Style tappable

To make the whole area of a plain button tappable, we need to explicitly define a new tappable area.

We can do that with the help of contentShape() modifier.

The contentShape() modifier lets you define the new shape for the tappable area.

In this example, we use a rectangle shape as a new hit testing area.

Button {
print("Plain Tap")
} label: {
HStack(spacing: 40) {
Image(systemName: "globe")
Text("Plain Button")

By specifying a tap area as a rectangle shape, .contentShape(Rectangle()), we make the whole button area, including a space, tappable.

Use the contentShape() modifier with a plain button style.
Use the contentShape() modifier with a plain button style.

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