How to Disable and Enable Button in SwiftUI

⋅ 2 min read ⋅ SwiftUI Button

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How to Disable and Enable Button in SwiftUI

You can disable and enable a button and other views using disabled(_:) modifier.

It takes a boolean value that control whether users can interact with the view or not.

  • Set it to true means disabled.
  • Set it to false means enabled. This is the default behavior.
VStack {
Button("Submit") {


Button("Submit") {


A disabled button shows in gray color and does not respond to user interaction.

Top: Enabled button. Bottom: Disabled button.
Top: Enabled button. Bottom: Disabled button.

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You usually disable and enable a view based on some condition.

In the following example, we disable a button if the username is empty.

struct ContentView: View {
// 1
@State var username = ""

var body: some View {
VStack {
// 2
TextField("Username", text: $username)
Button("Log In") {

.disabled(username.isEmpty) // 3

1 We declare a state variable, username, to store a username that users type in the text field 2.
3 We use username to control whether to disable or enable the login button.

When the username is empty, we disable the login button.


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Disable multiple elements

You can disable and enable multiple buttons and views that sit on the same container view by set the disabled modifier on that container view.

The outer disabled modifier will override the inner ones.

For example, both "Log In" and "Register" buttons will be disabled because they are overridden by the outer disabled(_:) modifier that applies on the VStack.

VStack {
Button("Log In") {

Button("Register") {


The outer disabled modifier will override the inner ones.

The outer disabled modifier will override the inner ones.
The outer disabled modifier will override the inner ones.

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