What is contentInset in a scroll view

Learn the importance of content inset.

How to set ContentInsets on SwiftUI List

In iOS 15, SwiftUI can indirectly set content inset using the safeAreaInset modifier. Let's learn how to do it.

How to remove the First row separator in SwiftUI List

Learn how to remove the topmost separator in any List view.

Enable and Disable SwiftUI List rows reordering on a specific row

The onMove modifier enables item reordering on every row. Let's learn how to disable this on particular rows.

Enable and Disable SwiftUI List rows deletion on a specific row

The onDelete modifier enables item deletion on every row. Let's learn how to disable this on particular rows.

How to remove the Last row separator in SwiftUI List

Learn how to remove the bottom separator in any List view.

How to Reorder List rows in SwiftUI List

Learn how to enable/disable the reorder ability in SwiftUI List.

How to Delete List rows from SwiftUI List

Learn how to enable/disable the delete ability in SwiftUI List.

SwiftUI Dynamic List View

Learn how to create a list from a collection of data.

How to change SwiftUI List section separator color

Learn how to colorize a list section separator.

How to remove List Section separators in SwiftUI

Some list style has section separators. Let's learn how to remove them.

Multiple rows Selection in SwiftUI List

Learn how to allow multiple row selection in SwiftUI List.

How to make a Horizontal List in SwiftUI

A list view doesn't support horizontal scrolling, but we can fake it using ScrollView and LazyHStack. Let's learn how to do it.

Supporting SwiftUI List Selection

Learn how to add list row selection in SwiftUI List.

Create SwiftUI List from an Array

It is very common to populate a list view from an array of data. Let's learn how to do it in SwiftUI.

What is the difference between List and ForEach in SwiftUI

Even though ForEach and List have similar syntax, they serve different purposes. Let's learn about their differences.

How to change List Row separator color in SwiftUI

Learn how to colorize a list row separator.

How to remove the SwiftUI List Row separators

In iOS 15, we can remove a List row separator. Let's learn how to do it.

Using ForEach in SwiftUI List

You can use ForEach inside a List view in SwiftUI, but when should we use it? Let's learn in which cases we should use ForEach.

Disable scrolling in SwiftUI ScrollView and List

In iOS 16, SwiftUI finally got a new modifier to disable scrolling in ScrolView and List.

How to show badge on List Row in SwiftUI

Learn how to add and remove a badge on List rows.

Building Static List in SwiftUI

Let's learn the easiest way to create a list in SwiftUI.

How to use Non Uppercase in SwiftUI List section header

Most of those styles use uppercase text for the section header. In this article, we will learn how to opt-out of this behavior.

How to adjust List row separator insets in SwiftUI

In iOS 16, we can adjust a List row separator insets with the new alignment, listRowSeparatorLeading.

SwiftUI List Style examples

In this article, I will show you all 6 list styles you can use with SwiftUI List view in iOS.

For loop in SwiftUI using ForEach

When creating an app, there is a time when you want to create a repetitive view or a collection of views from an array of data. We can do that in SwiftUI with ForEach.

SwiftUI List: Basic usage

SwiftUI made it incredibly easy to create a list or table view compared to how we do it in UIKit. Let's learn how to use it.

How to add button to navigation bar in SwiftUI

Learn how to add navigation bar buttons in SwiftUI.

How to change SwiftUI list background color

In iOS 16, we finally got a native way to change the background color of a list view in SwiftUI.

How to change SwiftUI list row background color

Learn a dedicated modifier to change a list row background color in SwiftUI.

How to add section header and footer to SwiftUI list

We can group related data in a SwiftUI list using Section view. We can also optionally add a header and footer to describe a particular section. Let's learn how to do that.

Navigation in SwiftUI

Part 4 in the series "Building Lists and Navigation in SwiftUI". We will explore a NavigationView, UINavigationController equivalent in SwiftUI.

List view, a UITableView equivalent in SwiftUI

Part 3 in the series "Building Lists and Navigation in SwiftUI". We will explore a List, UITableView equivalent in SwiftUI.

How to use ScrollView in SwiftUI

Part 2 in the series "Building Lists and Navigation in SwiftUI". We will explore a ScrollView, UIScrollView equivalent in SwiftUI.

Create a list of views in SwiftUI using ForEach

Part 1 in the series "Building Lists and Navigation in SwiftUI". We visit the first building block of any list view, content, and how to create them.

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